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10.000 tweets per second during SuperBowl 2012

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The Strategy of Super Bowl’s Social Media Command Center

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2012: In the eye of the stakeholder

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The Social Strategy Map: Stop playing with social media like a child

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YouTube uploads: One hour of video every second

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The business impact of social media [Infographic]

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Inbound marketing vs Outbound Marketing [Infographic]

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Internet by the numbers: This was 2011

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All about Oink: Rate the world

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New design: Conversation Management

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Altimeter 2012 report Social Media Management Systems

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A campaign full of stories

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Our Conversation Management Top Stories 2011

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Top 10 social networks need-to-knows

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This is how Adidas is unlocking employee conversation potential with 10 golden rules

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KPMG: How businesses are making the most of social media

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B2b content marketing research 2012: Social media most popular tactic

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Positive relation between social media integration and company results

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#Leweb 2011: Jeremiah Owyang on social business readiness

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#LeWeb 2011 LinkedIn Workshop

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The future of the internet

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Why do we use social media?

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“Liking” on Facebook becomes less popular, study says

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SlideShare: The Quiet Giant of Content Marketing

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