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YouTube video’s are the perfect way to humanize your brand

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This is how Porsche says thank you for one million likes on Facebook

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Who’s the king?

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Don’t forget your website when talking about conversations

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Social discrimination, or how brands choose with whom to interact

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About conversations, SEO & elephants

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Twitter Hoaxes: The digital monsters of Loch Ness

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Can I help you? On Twitter, the answer is no.

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“You’re paying the fee for being unremarkable”

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CM TV #2: Jo Caudron (@jcaudron) on the importance of mobile

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Cool Brands is the Conversation Manager’s missing link

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What companies can learn from the ‘Stijn Stijnen’ story

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This is how Heineken says thank you for one million likes on Facebook

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Start as you mean to go on!

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People are social, not media

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Social Media Saves Valentine’s Day :)

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The link between SEO and on-line conversations

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The world’s worst social media policy?

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With thanks to Twitter and Facebook

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A conversational birthday

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Do you have a conversational company?

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Learning by blogging

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The Superstar Company

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Why I think Groupon is a brilliant tool (or: how to use sales promotions wisely)

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